Wednesday, 18 November 2015


1st Edition - 'Behind Camera' by Gary Myles

A5 booklet with grey cardboard cover, full colour printed on high quality cartridge paper. BEHIND CAMERA brings together a body of work featuring a new collection of Paintings and Writing this booklet comes accompanied with a downloadable Sound Composition. (Link is included within booklet)

2nd Edition - I AM THE ABYSS (the nine circles of hell) by Christopher Brownsword

A collection of pre published and original works . 'I AM THE ABYSS' features excerpts from 'The Scorched Highway' and the most recent novel 'Throw Away the Lights'
The collection is illustrated with artwork by Gary Myles.

An A5 booklet with black cardboard cover, Printed monochrome on Ivory Paper.

£5.00 each, plus postage.
email: to order

Friday, 14 August 2015

V/A - 'Found Secret' (777-022) CD ft. Spoils & Relics

Featuring. Rick Potts, Spoils & Relics, Yeast Culture, Dylan Nyoukis,Smegma, Aaron Dilloway, Hair Stylistics, Toshiji Mikawa , The New Blockaders, Yellowhouse, The Custodians Of The Realm, Alter Of Flies, Karen Constance, John Wiese and Marc Hurtado.
Artwork by Daniel Ward and Karen Constance
Limited copies available £10.00 each.
To Order Email: (please email to check availability before making payment)
Payment via paypal to or cheque. All payments in British pounds (GBP £).
Postage Costs: UK: £1.50 / Europe: £2.00 / Everywhere Else: £2.50 + 50p per additional  

Imagine you can also order from -

Monday, 10 August 2015


Cassette recordings from inside various freezers until the dictaphone slows down and seizes up. 2010-2015. 

Art: Lines Form Spaces

Please note the digital version of this release is a completely separate track to the material on the cassette.

Pro Dub'd cassette, hand stamped cover, ltd. to 50 copies.

DOWNLOAD (£donation)

Cassette: £5 each
To Order Email: (please email to check availability before making payment)
Payment via paypal to or cheque. All payments in British pounds (GBP £).
Postage Costs: UK: £1.50 / Europe: £2.00 / Everywhere Else: £2.50 + 50p per additional  


Pro Dub'd cassette, hand stamped cover, ltd. to 50 copies.

Art: Daniel Ward

DOWNLOAD (£donation)

Cassette: £5 each
To Order Email: (please email to check availability before making payment)
Payment via paypal to or cheque. All payments in British pounds (GBP £).
Postage Costs: UK: £1.50 / Europe: £2.00 / Everywhere Else: £2.50 + 50p per additional  

Friday, 15 May 2015

New Fossils Releases Available From Mantile

FOSSILS For Brian Ruryk” (KSE #294 / MJC #440)
CD-R edition of 44 copies 

"Anyone reading this already knows what FOSSILS represents: the ultimate noise collagists, low in fidelity and high in imagination. Every album is an action painting in sound, sliced and diced and sauteed until the ingredients jump from the pan. However, as good as all their many albums are, this one really should command attention. Sometimes the humor in Fossils music and the wide-range of sounds they are capable on creating take away attention from the fact that Daniel Farr and David Payne are masters of the musically diabolical: I’d rate this album as an extension of the subversively disquieting sound and aesthetic of, say, Coum Transmissions or early Throbbing Gristle. People seem to forget the DIY/punk/Burroughs/Warhol/lo-fi/cut-up/primitive/outsider orientation of the early industrial music before it was even called “industrial.”  FOSSILS are the natural heirs of the most primal, street-level, Lo-Fi and REAL side of that tradition. AND they are proudly Canadian!  Every track is different, but each section of each one is always fascinating in its construction and abrasive and full of textures." - Bill Shute

£4.50 plus postage: £1.50 UK / £2.00 Europe
To order email: 


"THE FLORIDA NOCTURNE POEMS is the second Fossils and Bill Shute collab, and I hope it’s not the last. Listening to these poems THREE YEARS after writing them, I feel that I really did nail the struggle of confused, average people trying to find some fleeting empty joy in and to make some kind of sense out of the heart of the heart of Central Florida, “Mississippi with palm trees.” These are heavily-packed, detail-rich poems filled with chunky particulars, like the nuts in a Baby Ruth candy bar. Four different narrators tell four different stories, all pieces of the mosaic that is 21st Century life in the Southern US, under the reign of Governor Ultrasound. The combination of FOSSILS sound sculptures and these Florida poems creates a unique unclassifiable work. The music is sometimes abrasive and the poetry is sometimes absurd in a painful, pathetic way, but hey, SO IS LIFE." - Bill Shute. Original cover art by M. P. Landis.

£4.50 plus postage: £1.50 UK / £2.00 Europe
To order email:

Monday, 2 February 2015

Mantile #028 - VA AA LR 'Ping Cone' (C30)

VA AA LR is Vasco Alves, Adam Asnan and Louie Rice. 'Ping Cone' is 9 tracks of electro acoustic improv which occasionally appears as irreverent as it is austere.

Pro dub'd cassette, hand stamped cover, limited to 50 copies.

Cassette: £5.00
Download: £donation
To Order Email: (please email to check availability before making payment)
Postage Costs: UK: £1.50 / Europe: £2.00 / Everywhere Else: £2.50 + 50p per additional